
Welcome to SixIntoSeven Lite

SixIntoSeven Lite is our free-to-use service which recognises that children are increasingly mobile when it comes to primary to secondary transition. The days of staying within a local authority (LA) are long gone. 

This mobility did create a problem for schools in a SixIntoSeven LA who either sent pupils to, or received pupils from, a school in another LA. 

We therefore took the decision that if an LA has paid for SixIntoSeven, then the benefits should be available for every child in their care. As an LA has a duty of care to both those leaving and arriving, then so should our service. 

SixIntoSeven Lite for Partner Local Authorities 

If you work for a LA which send or receives to a SixIntoSeven LA, then you are in a Partner Local Authority. You will have access to a central dashboard to show the movement of Y6 pupils and their status such as LAC and SEND, provided that the relevant schools in your LA are registered. Please contact us to find out more. 

SixIntoSeven Lite for secondary schools 

If you welcome children from primary schools outside your LA, then you can still receive pupil information through SixIntoSeven. 

You will be able to send an invite to any primary school in England asking them to register and upload the information on the pupils coming to your schools. It’s a very simple operation, is free of charge and will mean that you receive more information in a consistent format. 

SixIntoSeven for primary schools 

We recognise that it can be very frustrating for a primary school, where staff have uploaded pupil information, only to find out that some pupils are going to a non-SixIntoSeven school. 

Should this occur, you simply have to send an email to the secondary school with a link inviting them to register for SixIntoSeven. Once this is done, they will be able to download the pupil information, saving you the inconvenience of filling in additional bespoke forms. 

Next steps 

If you are in a SixIntoSeven local authority, please get in touch to find out how we can help you make out of area (OOA) schools who are sending pupils to or receiving pupils from your school aware of SixIntoSeven Lite.

If you are in a local authority not currently using SixIntoSeven, contact us to find out how we can help you streamline your transition processes.