
Why should a primary school use SixIntoSeven?

Sometimes, it is important to address a question head on. This is one such case. Why should a primary school use SixIntoSeven?

We could argue that SixIntoSeven is free to primary schools. Secondary schools are the main beneficiaries of the information and therefore it is right that they should pay. However, transition data has been transferred via spreadsheets and email for years. These too are free, and very flexible, so there must be more to say.

We believe that with SixIntoSeven you can replicate everything to do with a spreadsheet, but with four additional benefits

We provide your legal protection

Whenever data is sent out of an institution such as a school, there must be a legal agreement between the two parties. SixIntoSeven has a built-in legal framework, created in partnership with Derbyshire Council’s renowned Data Protection Services, to keep you, and your pupil’s data, safe and GDPR compliant. Data cannot pass between any two schools until such time as the agreements have been electronically signed.

We help to increase your data security

It is well known that email is not a secure way of transferring data and breaches can occur. As well as helping ensure that your school meets GDPR standards, we have also obtained validation that ours does too. Find out more at our compliance page.

We help you collaborate with all your secondary schools

Most primary schools send pupils to more than one secondary school, each with its own spreadsheet to be completed. You can use SixIntoSeven as the single place where your staff enter transition information which is then automatically sent to a SixIntoSeven secondary school. When a pupil goes to a non-SixIntoSeven school simply create and email a PDF of the child’s report and send it on. (This will not be within the data security and legal frameworks highlighted above.)

We help you reduce workload

There is no reason why you need to transfer any additional information through SixIntoSeven. Schools work collaboratively to determine what a primary school wants to say about each pupil and what a secondary school wants to receive. As part of the on boarding process, we configure SixIntoSeven to match your needs. It could well be that you decide in the first year to simply replicate your current practices.
We can, however, simplify how information is entered. Key data can be taken from your MIS (Management Information System), and other questions are set up with default values. For example, most children do not have a connection with an outside agency. Therefore, that question can be set to “No”.

You can then select all the pupils who have a connection with an outside agency and change their value to “Yes” in one simple operation. It might just save a small amount of time per pupil per question, but these marginal gains quickly add up. This is important as we recognise how precious time is within schools.

But how will this help my Year Six pupils?

We have outlined below the top six ways in which your pupils will benefit from your use of SixIntoSeven.

  1. The knowledge built up within your school follows your pupils through the transition.
  2. This knowledge arrives early, giving the secondary school time to plan the best start for your pupils.
  3. Differentiated learning can start on day one. This will be based on what your pupil has achieved over the year.
  4. The structured transfer of information means that pupils with similar needs from different primary school can be grouped for support or challenge.
  5. Free text boxes can be used for more personalised information or solutions.
  6. Flags can be raised where a further conversation is needed.


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