
The benefits of linking SixIntoSeven to your school MIS

We recognise that schools need up to date information. Without it, it is impossible to support the children in your care in the way in which you would like to, and they most certainly need. 

This is why many of our SixIntoSeven schools have linked SixIntoSeven with their Management Information Systems (MIS). We use Wonde, who are our long-term integration partner, to manage this process. Once Wonde have set up the link to your MIS , there will be an overnight synchronisation, so that any relevant changes made in the MIS are uploaded to SixIntoSeven ready for the next day.  

This will help the primary school check that the uploaded information is complete and accurate. It will provide the secondary school with the most up to date information for early planning and then, for reference, once the child joins them in September. 

The synchronised information includes: 

  • Attendance information, so the destination school can see patterns of historic absence to continue the push for improved attendance. 
  • Characteristics, such as Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), Free School Meals (FSM) and Looked After Child (LAC) status. This information will support early planning and help learning start on day one of the new academic year. 
  • The important notes which are added to the MIS by colleagues, such as attendance notes which can supply such valuable qualitative information. 

Accuracy of data is therefore one less thing to worry about, to give you more time to help ensure a smooth transition for your pupils. 

Please remember that SixIntoSeven can operate using manual uploads, but linking eliminates data entry and potential errors. It also limits the scope of the supporting data. Linking provides a more efficient and reliable process for tracking pupils through the transition period.