
SixIntoSeven support for DfE statutory attendance guidance

We are delighted to announce that all Y6 attendance data for the September intake is now available to secondary schools in selected local authorities on a single page.

This has been in response to partner requests to help implement the DfE’s Working together to improve school attendance statutory guidance report.

This calls on all schools

to help remove the barriers to attendance that families experience. In some cases, families will experience the same or similar barriers to attendance for multiple children who attend different schools in the area. As such, it is of mutual benefit for such schools to work together where possible. This will be particularly beneficial in supporting transition between feeder schools.   

You can generate your own reports by sorting the data to find out the highest and lowest attenders as well as lates and the proportion of authorised and unauthorised absences.

It is also possible to filter the children based on critical characteristics such as LAC, Pupil Premium and SEND.

SixIntoSeven has always enabled the early transfer of information to plan for a smooth transition for all. This trove of attendance data, which is clearly presented and accessible, will enable a proactive approach to supporting those with attendance issues and to help ensure pupils are in school and learning.

Please contact us to find out more about how we can support primary to secondary transition within your local authority or school group.